Don’t let insurance claims put you out of business. They cost you money both in increased insurance premiums and loss of revenue due to dissatisfied members and negative word of mouth advertising in your community.
Below are the most common claims that we see in insurance programs that have specialized in the fitness industry over the past 30 years along with prevention techniques for each area.
Most common claims:
Most common claims:
Most common claims:
Most common claims:
Taking the necessary steps to prevent injuries and insurance claims today is an investment in the future of your fitness business. The money that you spend on prevention will keep your insurance costs down for years to come. Member satisfaction and retention also increase when they see more staff on the floor, new accessories and equipment replaced regularly. Prevention is a win-win for you and your members. It also enhances the image of our entire industry.
Insurance services provided by CoverEase Insurance Services, LLC and its licensed agents and affiliates. The information contained within these materials are confidential and not to be distributed. Descriptions are general in nature only. Please refer to the terms and conditions of policies offered or purchased. Insurance products are subject to application and underwriting requirements. Pricing depends on a variety of factors including policyholder location. Not all discounts available in all states. Not all products available in all states. Use of and access to this information, site or any of the links contained within this site does not create a relationship between the user and CoverEase. © 2022 CoverEase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.